Thankfully, the game makes up for the fact with growth in existing locations. However, Tears of the Kingdom stops short in this regard, leaving you wanting more. The hustle and bustle of a new settlement is a welcome change that will pique the interest of players that exhausted the townships in Breath of the Wild. It’s clear that society has been rebuilding itself in the wake of Calamity Ganon’s defeat, and the Kingdom of Hyrule is experiencing real urban development as well as some environmental changes. Notably, the towns and villages have received some of the biggest makeovers in Tears of the Kingdom ’s overworld. Whether it’s upgraded housing for a Boss Bokoblin and his troop, or a Battle Talus crawling with monsters, the overworld feels more interesting and alive for their inclusion. Once-peaceful mountaintops now host fearsome beasts to surprise those players who were more intimately familiar with Breath of the Wild’s landscape, and enemy encampments have been developed, meaning there is an array of different logistical ways to approach them. Caves and wells dot the land, calling for the player to delve ever inward to discover their contents.

Cliffsides that once offered no more than purchase for climbing now harbor networks of tunnels leading to treasures unknown. Although the basic geography is the same, the landscape features new flora and fauna, and is littered with brand new cave systems. In doing so, the Hyrule that fans are so familiar with feels new once more. This game takes that attribute and expands upon it by adding even more dimension to its world. Players familiar with Tears of the Kingdom ’s predecessor will know this map its surface is a dream for any gamer seeking exploration.