Non-lidar files are supported, the supported color schemes are RGB(A) and Grayscale(A), without real using alpha-channel, multi-band files are not supported, just 1-byte samples are allowed. In demo mode, it is possible to view low-detailed scales up to 240 m, but the license key level 2.x is required to zoom in a detailed scale. New feature: The support of MrSID and NITF formats.Fix: Crash while applying changes in "Extra" tab of Properties in some cases (thanks to: Алекс).Enhancement: Changing type from any building-related one with the attribute "Floors" into any non-building type removes the attribute "Floors" (thanks to: Zeppy Shiddiq).Enhancement: New Web map is supported - Wikimapia.Fix: Incorrect characters in the field "Type" and title of Properties appearing in some computers (thanks to: Zeppy Shiddiq).Fix: The context menu for tracks and waypoints is restored (thanks to: Carlos).Enhancement: New Web map is supported - (Indonesia) (thanks to: Zeppy Shiddiq).Enhancement: New Web map is supported - deCarta (thanks to: Сергей Тяжов).Fix: Parsing polylines with first transparent color of pattern from map skin Garmin TXT (thanks to: Mail4ma).Fix: Showing some of custom types from Garmin map skins (thanks to: fancheng).Fix: Loading point type 0x0000 from map skins (thanks to: MapTk).Fix: Applying the context menu item 'Paste Here' to bookmarks.Fix: Export of direction kind for iGO and Navitel safety alerts (thanks to: Andronio).Fix: Loading routing graph from Garmin IMG files (thanks to: MapTk).Fix: 'Tools | Generate Routing Graph' now again works (thanks to: Jorge R.Fix: Loading ECW and MrSID files based on the coordinate systems EPSG:3785 and EPSG:3857 (thanks to: 13slonik).Fix: Additional columns "StartNodID" and "EndNodID" added to polylines table for the default schema of ESRI shapefiles export.Fix: Loading tiles from Google Maps, Bing Maps, and Yandex Maps.Enhancement: New local Web map is supported - Gisco Map for Columbia (thanks to: John Ballesteros).Enhancement: New local Web map is supported - MapGeo for US Virgin Islands.

Fix: Loading tiles from Yandex Maps (thanks to: TSA21432).Fix: Loading tiles from Google Maps (thanks to: Fazly Haris, TSA21432).